
Latest Updates on Oilwatch Africa activities

Oilwatch Small Grants Request for Proposals

Oilwatch Small Grants Request for Proposals

Oilwatch announces its  call for proposals for small grants of  USD $5,000  to support grassroots groups and movements working on projects aligned with its principles and focused on addressing the issues of fossil fuels impacts, building...

Ogoni Oil in the Eye of the Storm

Ogoni Oil in the Eye of the Storm

In 1993, Shell was forced out of Ogoniland where it had extracted crude oil non-stop for decades with unbelievable ecological consequences. The Ogoni people, mobilized under the Movement for the Survival of Ogoni People (MOSOP), had issued a set of demands...

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About us

Oilwatch Africa is a network of resistance to the negative impacts of the oil and gas industry on peoples and their environments. It is the African unit of Oilwatch International.


Oilwatch Coordination

Health of Mother Earth Foundation